Fair Parking Legislation for Residents
As residents of Halifax, we the undersigned have identified problems with Halifax Regional Municipality\'s (HRM) On-Street Parking Policy and Winter Parking Ban, within our downtown neighbourhoods. First, under the On-Street Parking Policy, streets in our neighbourhoods have limited time periods in which non-residents can legally park. HRM\'s inability to enforce this policy has led to prolonged illegally parked cars of non-residents within our neighbourhoods, and a subsequent overcrowding of vehicles on our streets. Second, in the presence or absence of the Winter Parking Ban there will always be cars parked on our streets. The illegally parked cars are not being towed by HRM for snow removal. At the moment, the current winter parking ban only serves to punish those citizens who do remove their cars during snowfall events. Our neighbourhoods have held meetings with community members, spent time canvassing local residents about a change in these parking policies, and researched solutions in communities much larger and more complex than ours. The community has tried to engage HRM staff in these issues. HRM staff has not responded to our satisfaction and claim little can be done to change the current parking policies. Since HRM now advocates for increased high-density downtown living,the undersigned, who have already bought into this lifestyle, would like HRM Council to address our parking issues in line with its regional development plan.