Ormonde Muslim Association - request for AGM
Imran Dosani 0

Ormonde Muslim Association - request for AGM

187 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Imran Dosani 0 Comments
187 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Assalaamu alikum.

This petition has been created to request the current 'board' to produce the following:

(1) A copy of the current OMA constitution

(2) Arrange an OMA AGM meeting before the 15-December 2016 and be present at the AGM Meeting

(3) Forward copy of OMA 2015 / 2016 Income Statement and Balance Sheets (Financials)

(4) Forward minutes of previous meetings held by OMA Executive Committee

(5) Details and current status of the non profit section 21 company.

As no AGM has been held for several years, the community needs to be informed of the current affairs of both the Musjid and Madressah.

This petition is important for all Musallees and Parents in the interest of our community in the Johannesburg South region.

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