Drug Testing Reform for the Olympic Games

We hereby request that every sport, in every country participating in the Olympic Games submit to an unnannounced, out-of-competition, drug testing program conducted by an independent, non-profit agency. We also petition that if any country has two athletes test positive for performance enhancing substances, then that country should be banned from international competition for a period of four years in the sport in which the positive occurred, including the next Olympic Games, with no exception. Further, we petition that any athlete which tests positive in international competition be banned from international competition for the rest of their life. Every country participating in the Olympic Games should be held responsible for screening it\'s athletes for performance enhancing drugs before sending them to international competition. We believe that these consequences will dramatically reduce the amount of drug abuse in Olympic competition and help level the playing field for all athletes in the World. If some countries can show financial hardship, then the Olympic Committee should subsidize the drug testing program to the extent that is necessary. Please sign this petition. It will be submitted to USA Weightlifting, The International Weightlifting Federation, the United States Olympic Committee, and the International Olympic Committee.