Reinstate Croquet As An Olympic Sport
The global croquet community needs your help. Croquet is a highly competitive sporting event popular the world over, which has suffered over the years from disregard and neglect by the greater sporting community at large. An official Olympic sport in the early years of the Olympic Games, croquet has been absent from the Olympic program for over a century. Making croquet an official Olympic sport again offers a number of potential benefits for society: *New generations of sports fans would be exposed to the extremely dynamic game of croquet and its storied, centuries-old history. *Croquet has been known for uncompromising standards of sportsmanship since its earliest days. With all of the doping scandals, insider gambling probes, and instances of appalling off-the-filed antics plaguing athletics these days, croquet offers to set a new bar for ethical behavior in sports. *There is a requisite amount of green space necessary for croquet play. More urban dwellers playing croquet translates to more urban green space. *Instances of pediatric sports-related injuries have risen dramatically over the last twenty years. Croquet is a low impact, no contact sport offering a safe alternative for youth athletics. *Croquet maintains a strict dress code for its participants. In a time when appropriate standards of dress have seemingly gone by the wayside, croquet reintroduces the idea that certain activities require proper attire. *Croquet is a social sport, requiring interaction amongst participants. Anti-social behavior, encouraged by the Internet and cable television is prevalent these days; croquet offers a remedy for this social condition. The benefits of croquet revitalization are many and extend beyond those that we have listed above. Reintroducing croquet as an Olympic sport will once again thrust croquet into the international spotlight and help address a number of contemporary social issues. Help support our movement to make croquet an Olympic sport once again by signing our petition. Thank you.