Oh! NO! To Liquor Store!

“Protect our neighborhood”
Calling all community members to sign this petition against the commission approving the liquor license for a new liquor store on 3rd Avenue.
- Why it matters??
1. Welfare of our neighborhood
2. Safety concern for children
3. Increased crime
The goal is to improve our neighborhood and bring back pride to our community, not to bring in businesses that could present a threat to our welfare. This could also provide a safety concern for the children that live in the neighborhood. It has been proven through many studies that neighborhoods with more alcohol establishments tend to have more assault, rape, robbery, and overall violent crime than neighborhoods with fewer alcohol establishments. We already have two liquor stores within a 2.5 mile radius. Do we need another? Your voice matters!! The public hearing will be held September 6th at 10:00 am at the Civic Center.