Talk to Game Forge about merging universes

Currently Ogame universe are dying there is no doubt. There are some thriving univeres in the form of Andro and the newer univeres but it is not doubted that the older ones are dying off. Ogame Universe Delta The Ogame universe where slowly engulfed by a black hole, First identified in Universe 1 as a small anomaly. It soon evolved and began swallowing whole planets and universe. In preparation for this all empires and players began to create super ships, capable of holding entire armadas and planetary infustructure as well as the population. Whole universes began to move all uprooted. Some said it was the end of times. Until a small beacon began to bleep. Far out in distance space, where before only expeditions had ventured. It said “Come to salvation. Come to Utopia.” Proposal A voluntary universe where players from dieing universes can come together to play, bringing there old accounts to play with. Planet Locations/ Buildings 1. A HW will be randomly placed with the same system that is currently used for selecting HW destinations for new players in a new universe. 2. This HW will be the same as the HW left in the old universe. 3. On the HW will be all the fleet that account had. Along with 8 ships which contain (the infustructure) of a planet. Basically all the defence, buildings, and moon building. 4. It is assumed for simplicities sake that planets who had moons just happen to colonise other planets that have moons. And lunar buildings are transferred to this moon. 5. Also planets have the same number of fields as previous planets. 6. Planets take 24 hours to set up (basically the citizens grab the prefabricated equipment and set up there new homes) 7. People will colonise using these ships using the same rules as in a normal Ogame universe. Fleets 1. Fleets are deployed to the HW and may then move and work as normal 2. Also all researches remain the same Universe Rules 1. Normal Speed 2. No speed uni players may join 3. You may only nominate one account to carry into this new uni. Multi accounting is in NO WAY permitted. 4. All other Ogame rules apply 5. If needed more galaxy may be added after galaxy 9 in order to accommodate the large number of players. Overall This is not unrealistic in terms of possibility, terraforming, nanites and researches has allowed for the shrinking of equipment and advanced drivers and fuel effiency. This should draw together the best players from across Ogame and in answer to those who say the older unis will die. Well they will die anyway. They can be used as breading grounds for players to build up before hitting the big time of Delta universe. The newer universes should not be allowed to join so universes such as Andro and the new redesign unis will still be played and be popular with new gamers. This Universe should really be for the already established Ogamers.