Include opt-out option for Professionally Speaking magazine
Charlie Henderson Ontario 0

Include opt-out option for Professionally Speaking magazine

165 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Charlie Henderson Ontario 0 Comments
165 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

To the council members of the Ontario College of Teachers:
We appreciate your efforts to offer additional professional development and foster a sense of connectedness within Ontario's educators. We also appreciate that you make this information readily available in a digital format. However, we grow concerned that sending physical copies to each and every member will have devastating environmental effects, and contribute to the inflation of already high OCT member fees.

We, the undersigned, kindly ask that you offer an opt-out option to the Professionally Speaking subscription service, so that educators who want a paper copy can still receive it, but members who do not may refer to a more cost-effective and environmentally responsible alternative.

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