Oconomowoc Skate Park
Austin Poulos 0

Oconomowoc Skate Park

134 signers. Add your name now!
Austin Poulos 0 Comments
134 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Oconomowoc is a town with a population of over15,000. Out of those people, many of them are kids. Out of those kids, many of them either ride skateboards, scooters, roller blades, or bikes. Many go into town to find spots to ride these things on.They get yelled at, ticketed, or in some cases arrested. You would think they would stop, but these action sports aren't something you can just stop. They are a drive. It's a true passion for the sport that keeps people from coming back to these rails, ledges, or stair cases, no matter the consequence. What this petition is addressing, is to have a skate park built in Oconomowoc. We, the riders of Oconomowoc recognize that the rules against skateboarding are they are not allowed in the town of Oconomowoc, but the Skate park would be an accepted area for all citizens. It would be easier to police, because instead of everyone being scattered around at spots, disturbing the peace, they would all be in one spot. It would save money. If many spots need to be constantly repaired because they are being worn down by boards and bikes, they would no longer need to be monitored. Instead the city spends a couple thousand dollars on a skate park, making Oconomowoc a better place for most children and teens. It would increase the number of visitors. Skaters and bikers love going to new skate parks. But those are so tiring and what will they want to do when they are tired? Go into town and eat! It will increase the purchases from most restaurants and some will buy from a gift shop if they have a good time in town. It would solve many problems! So again we, the riders of Oconomowoc beg of you, to consider the construction of a skate park!

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