Occupy Terminology
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OCCUPY TERMINOLOGY: Keeping a critical eye on the Occupy movement while at the same time exploring the various ways to use the term "occupy" for the purposes of successful promotion and effective SEO. As far as I know, the Occupy Wall Street movement and/or its affiliate protesters have not yet trademarked "occupy" as a term or have not yet copyrighted "occupy" as a concept. So then, the popularity of the term "occupy" on the Internet is fair game for commercial endeavors, such as the ones connected to this petition drive. Please sign and share this petition so as to support this observational and promotional effort. Thank you for your consideration!
Please click here to visit the Occupy Terminology deployment (at Crowdmap.com) to submit items that are relevant to this overall initiative.
Please visit and follow the page for this petition drive (@OccupyPetition) on Twitter.
OCCUPY TERMINOLOGY is part of the OCCUPY CONSULTING approach to consultation and promotion, which includes the Occupy Consulting traffic delivery and advertising system website.
This petition drive is part of the OCCUPY CONSULTING approach to consultation and promotion. The "Sponsored links" that appear below (featured by iPetitions) are not necessarily an endorsement of advertising content by the manager of OCCUPY CONSULTING.
Please visit and share The Occupy Terminology Daily at paper.li. Thanks!
Surf for traffic at the Occupy Consulting traffic delivery and advertising system website. Surf for traffic and occupy the Internet!
What is OCCUPY CONSULTING? You can learn more about this approach to consultancy and promotion by visiting the Occupy Consulting site on Weebly.