Objection to Utility boxes at 29th and Sanchez
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We strongly oppose AT&T's proposal to install two additional utility boxes at 29th and Sanchez. We ask DPW to deny permit App #: 13SMF-0388 VRAD and 13SMF-0389 SAI and require AT&T find a more suitable location that minimizes the negative impact on the public and follows all of the guidelines set forth in DPW Order No.175,566.
Reasons we oppose these proposals:
1.There is currently one box at the same intersection, this proposal would increase that number to 3 boxes on one city intersection, which would place a disproportionate and undue hardship on our neighborhood.
2. Having the two proposed boxes will effectively create a 9.7 foot wall of metal on a fairly narrow sidewalk. This will impede the right of way and could create a claustrophobic "walled-in" feeling on the street.
3. The location does not lend itself to "blending in" to the surroundings, and instead will serve to disrupt the feeling and character of the neighborhood. This could have extremely detrimental effects on property values as well as quality of life.
4. The boxes have been shown to be graffiti magnets, and AT&T does not properly maintain them. The current box is repeatedly the object of graffiti and a resident currently paints it to maintain our neighborhood instead of AT&T.
5. DPW Order175,566 requires that utility companies attempt to locate utilities above the public right of way if possible, yet this proposal would instead take a utility CURRENTLY OFF THE STREET, and put it in the public's way.
6. Newer technology exists to provide these services. Many other companies provide the same services and place the equipment above the street or below the ground. AT&T is taking advantage of their "utility company status" and forcing communities to bear the cost of their outdated technology. Our neighborhoods should not suffer so AT&T can save money.
These utility boxes are a detriment to public space, and this location is particularly unsuited. We the undersigned strongly oppose them and call upon the DPW to deny AT&T's application.