Objection to a biometric access system at the Landmark
Kostya Lobov 0

Objection to a biometric access system at the Landmark

76 signers. Add your name now!
Kostya Lobov 0 Comments
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On 8 December 2014, the landlord's managing agent, Rendall & Rittner Limited, announced that on 12 January 2015 a new biometric system will be installed at the Landmark East and West towers. All those who wish to be able to access the building are required to submit a scan of their finger within approximately two weeks. From 12 January 2015, the current key fob system will also stop working.

- The use of biometric 'finger scanners' is unnecessarily intrusive and disproportionate for a residential building. No other residential building in the area uses this system.

- The landlord has cited 'improved security' as a justification for the new system. There are far less intrusive ways of addressing this (e.g. better CCTV, more frequent reprogramming of key fobs)

- The system raises concerns over privacy and the security of residents' sensitive personal data

- The new system will create an inconvenience for flat owners, residents and their friends and family (who will not be able to access properties without someone being physically present to let them in).

- There was no consultation with flat owners/residents before the decision was made to introduce this system

- We have been given only one month's notice (over the Christmas period)

- For those who understandably do not want to hand over their biometric data (which even the Police and Government rarely have for most people), the fact that there will be no other way to access the building and their flat is potentially in breach of the terms of their lease.

The introduction of the system should therefore be cancelled, or at least postponed indefinitely until a proper consultation has taken place to determine if this is the right decision for the Landmark.

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