Objection to the El Dorado County Variance Application V-18-0005 filed 6-18-18

1. The proposed location of the garage/home is on very narrow private road at a blind curve with a steep cliff on one side and a steep hill on the other side. Normal traffic stays in the middle of the road away from the cliff and hillside. The proposed driveway in front of the garage would force vehicles to back out onto the road causing an extremely dangerous condition. There is no visibility around the dangerous curve.
2. The Variance Application requests reduction of the 15 foot rear setback to the state forest to 5 feet. The Fire Department already told the owner at the TAC meeting that the setback would not be reduced and other conditions of approval might be added. The proposed home is two stories up against a heavily forested state area. Large oak trees on the state property could have branches within a couple of feet of the home.
3. The Variance Application requests significant reduction of the front setback to allow the home to be built with reduced front and rear setback. This is inconsistent with all the other homes in the subdivision.