OBJECT to Waitrose Planning Application-12/00165/FUL
Malmesbury Greenfield Campaign 0

OBJECT to Waitrose Planning Application-12/00165/FUL

121 signers. Add your name now!
Malmesbury Greenfield Campaign 0 Comments
121 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We OBJECT to the above Waitrose proposal on the grounds: That the site is on Greenfield land and in the Conservation Area, No need for a superstore has been demonstrated by the developers, Negative potential impact on Malmesbury High Street, No need for extra parking has been demonstrated, Negative impact on living environment due to extra traffic, noise, light, pollution and loss of habitat for flora & fauna.

This petition is promoted by the Malmesbury Greenfield Campaign.
Thanks for your support.


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