Impeach Senator Barack Obama

A PETITION for The Impeachment of Senator Barack Obama TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES Whereas: Senator Barack Obama is an admitted Illegal drug user and is believed to have used illegal drugs as recently as November 1999 or more recently. Mr. Obama has maintained contact with other admitted illegal drug users. Whereas: Senator Barack Obama has maintained regular contact with known criminals such as Antoin (Tony) Rezko and other criminal elements in Chicago and Illinois. Mr. Obama has conducted business with these criminals and received campaign donations from them. Mr. Obama was compelled to return an estimated $250,000 in donations related to Tony Rezko. Whereas: Senator Barack Obama has consistently lied about his contact with convicted criminal Tony Rezko. The Tony Rezko corruption trial revealed that FBI mole John Thomas helped investigators \"build a record of repeat visits to the old offices of Rezko and former business partner Daniel Mahru\'s Rezmar Corp., at 853 N. Elston, by Blagojevich and Obama during 2004 and 2005\" according to the February 10, 2008 Chicago Sun-Times. Whereas: Senator Barack Obama has engaged in unscrupulous business practices, in particular with Mr. Robert Blackwell. Mr. Obama received an $ 8,000 per month "legal retainer" from Mr. Blackwell for a total of $112,000 and reported the income through his law firm in a manner not unlike money laundering. Mr. Obama, along with Obama campaign manager Dan Shomon, procured $ 320,000 in state grants for Blackwell\'s company Killerspin. Blackwell companies contributed over $ 32,000 to the Obama campaign in 2007. Whereas: Senator Barack Obama used the office of IL Senator to facilitate the vote rigging in Chicago as chairman of the Illinois Senate Health and Human Services Committee. Mr. Obama pushed legislation in Senate Bill 1332 to reduce the number of members of the Health Facilities Planning Board from 15 to 9. Mr. Obama did conspire with Stuart Levine, Tony Rezko and Rod Blogojevich to rig the committee and was rewarded with campaign contributions. The new members appointed included 3 doctors who contributed to Mr. Obama. On April 21, 2004, Stuart Levine explicitly advised Dr. Robert Weinstein, who is now indicted, of Tony Rezko\'s role in manipulating the Planning Board\'s vote. Whereas: Senator Barack Obama has engaged in lies and deception about his past. Mr. Obama lied about his contact level with convicted criminal Tony Rezko, the amounts and sources of campaign contributions and encounters with the law. A complaint has been filed with the Bar Association of Illinois alleging that Mr. Obama did not answer truthfully all questions on the application to the bar. Whereas: Senator Barack Obama has invoked the FOIA in Illinois when it was politically expedient and ignored or violated the FOIA at other times. In the Illinois Senate proceedings regarding Senate Bill 1416, Mr. Obama pleads the importance of businesses bidding on state contracts having improved access to FOIA data. When later questioned about his records during his term in the IL Senate, Mr. Obama gave evasive answers or refused to supply records. Whereas: The First Amendment provides a right for the people "to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Precedents exist for impeachment and expulsion of a US Senator. Senator William Blount was impeached by the House on July 7, 1797 and expelled by the Senate the next day. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the people, Undersigned, being citizens of the United States and residents in the Cities and States so indicated, HEREBY Demand that the Congress of the United States begin immediate impeachment and/or expulsion proceedings against Senator Barack Obama. Addendum: Petition to Impeach Senator Obama August 4, 2008 Whereas as a US Senator, Barack Obama violated the stated intention of his 2006 Official Government Visa to Africa by publicly propagandizing for his cousin, Railla Odinga against the US democratic ally of Kenya. Whereas the stated