O.B.: Bring back the Ultra Tampons!

Here's the message I submitted to O.B. via their online contact form: Hello, O.B. Team! My name is Sydney Rebecca and I've got a good bit to say. (No animosity, I promise. I love you guys!) I've used O.B. Ultra Tampons for as long as I've had a period. I have tried using other tampon brands & none have ever fit my needs as well as O.B. Recently, I (and all other period-having ladies in my family and among my friends) have been on a wild goose chase trying to track down even one pack of O.B. Ultra Tampons. There are so many of us who rely on and trust this brand for that specific product and we are really being let down right now. My mother and I went to over 10 stores in our Washington, DC area today before I decided to Google "Where are all the O.B. Ultra Tampons???". My Google results returned discussion boards (http://www.viewpoints.com/O-B-Tampons-Ultra-Absorbency-40-Tampons-review-025f7), messages of upset with many concurrent "I miss my tampons!" comments (http://writethecompany.com/sizing-up-o-b-tampons), and I found the only way to get a hold of my vagina's old-faithful is to overpay for the product from private sellers on eBay (http://cgi.ebay.com/4-boxes-o-b-ob-tampons-ULTRA-/280579506983). Help us out, O.B.! I understand the economy is not what it used to be, but can we do nothing to get these back? Start Twitter campaigns for exposure & ramping up marketing, put up Facebook pages to rally monetary support, create a budget for online advertising through search engines - are none of these enough to engage consumer's pockets and bring the Ultras back? I'm certain there are women on your staff who understand the need for consistency and comfort when it comes to our periods. Your Ultra tampons have been that comfort for so many of us and all we want is for that to continue before we all have to look to other brands. Consider this my respectful petition on behalf of the many women who rely on you from month to month and year to year. Please bring the Ultras back! I appreciate the person(s) who took the time to read these thoughts of mine - I know I'm a voluble woman - and I welcome a call for discussion. Thank you for your consideration (and for all the work you do for us ladies), Sydney Rebecca sydneyrebecca@sydneyrebecca.com P.S. I did find it pretty upsetting that O.B. chose to explain no longer carrying the Ultra tampons by posting a link that implies there is something wrong with those of us who prefer using them (http://ow.ly/318pt). Further, the "treatments for heavy periods" are not universal fixes. Those of us who have heavy periods shouldn't be forced into believing we have a problem when we've been living with our flow just fine for decades through the use of your great product. Nor should we be forced to "treat" our periods with birth control (something many of us choose not to use because of the ways the medications affect our bodies and emotions), global endometrial ablation (use of a catheter ), or a hysterectomy.