Violent Repression of Teachers in Oaxaca, Mexico.

We, teachers in British Columbia, Canada, and many others who also choose to sign --petition the Government of Mexico and Presidente Vincente Fox Quesada, to act responsibly and take the following steps to prevent confrontations and bloodshed between members of Local 22 of the National Education Workers Union in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico: 1) Refrain from sending the Federal Police or the military to contribute to the repression of the teachers in Oaxaca; and 2) Use your influence as President of the Republic to urge Oaxaca\'s governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz to refrain from the use of force to suppress the teachers and other citizens of Oaxaca. 3) Reopen negotiations with representatives of Local 22 in order to reach a settlement consistent with a public education system that responds to the needs of Oaxaacans and respects labour rights. 4) Renounce violence as an acceptable strategy for resolving political or labour disputes. The willingness of your government to negotiate with teachers, and to provide tangible support to them in their work will be celebrated by teachers and others in Canada and elsewhere. We urge you to encourage negotiation with, not repression of, the teachers of Oaxaca.