NZ Cycle Safety 9-Point Plan

Petition to: Hon Annette King, Minister of Transport & Minister of Police; and Hon Harry Duynhoven, Minister of Road Safety, Parliament Buildings, Wellington, New Zealand Recent cyclist fatalities in New Zealand have shown that we need better infrastructure and behaviour on our roads. I support the Cycling Advocates\' Network (CAN) 9-Point Plan for Cycle Safety. I want to see New Zealand\'s national and local government do the following things in the next two years: 1. Run a national Share the Road promotional campaign telling motorists and cyclists how to co-exist safely on the roads. 2. Change transport planning and funding processes to make sure key problem areas or gaps for cyclists (e.g. Ngauranga to Petone cycleway, Auckland Harbour Bridge) get fixed - no more long delays or buck-passing between various organisations. 3. Spend less on road building and more on encouraging alternatives to driving: more motor vehicles on our roads only make things less safe and attractive for cycling. 4. Promote the use of lower speed zones (particularly 30km/h). 5. Change the tolerance for motor vehicle speed limit enforcement from 10km/h to a maximum of ten per cent of the posted speed limit. 6. Increase the walking and cycling budget in the National Land Transport Programme by a factor of five. 7. Change funding and audit processes to make sure that all roading projects improve the environment for cycling. 8. Change the driver licensing system and driver instruction (including bus and truck drivers) so motorists are educated about how to take care around cyclists. 9. Fund and promote nationwide roll-out of cycle skills training for children and adults. [Note: After you click on the \'Sign\' button ipetitions will ask you to make a voluntary donation to them. Your signature will have already been recorded, and you do NOT need to donate for it to count. Just quit from the donations page if you don\'t wish to donate.]