NYS essential employees and elderly

Governor Cuomo has given Millions to illegal immigrants and Puerto Rico with our tax dollars leaving the state destitute in the event of an emergency, he gave non-essential employees an extra $600 a week unemployment due to the covid-19, He sent our elderly that reside in nursing homes covid19 patients causing massive deaths of elderly and lied and blamed Trump, had a stockpile of ventilators that he did not use and made NYS send all emergency ventilators and gloves to the city leaving the state vulnerable, waited a long time to shut NY down causing massive deaths and blamed Trump, took federal aid which was not given to the people and left essential employees to pick up all the slack without any Hazard pay or additional pay,he shut down our gun stores and permits stopping our constitutional rights of the 2nd ammendment more than he already has, he has failed to deliver proper unemployment to people in a timely manner or at all leaving single mothers and fathers and families with nothing...and Governor Cuomo needs to pay and pay now. I would like to see a case lawsuit of 500 billion dollars to essential employees and the families of the elderly people whom were exposed and died, to families that still have not their unemployment, and violations of the constitution. Join me in the fight against Emporor Cuomo, NYC, and the corruption of his failed leadership. I'm Asking for 1000 or more signatures to begin this case lawsuit and to restore our true constitutional rights in NYS.