Nevada needs a Helmet Law, support "Kody's Law"

This petition is to support a Helmet Law in the State of Nevada. I would like this law to appear on ballot during the 2013 Legislative Session. This is an important issue for so many reasons; however, my reason for wanting this law is below:
My 16 year old son, Kody Lance Wilson, was involved in a bicycle vs. F450 NDOT truck accident on Highway 395 and Southgate Lane on June 28, 2011. Kody was not wearing a helmet; he suffered a traumatic brain injury and went to be with our Lord on July 5, 2011.
On June 28, 2011 around 1:15 pm Kody set out on a venture on his bicycle to meet up with his friends at Aspen Park in the Ranchos (we live in Chichester Estates). Since there are only two routes close to our house, Highway 395 or Centerville Lane, he choose Highway 395 since it is the lesser of the two evils regarding a bike lane. Kody made the fatal mistake, and opted against wearing a helmet that day for several reasons; he was bullied and teased for wearing one because "it's not cool", his old one had a crack in it caused by a bully throwing it across the school parking lot, and it was getting tight due to a growth spurt.
Helmets may not seem "cool" to today's youth, but Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI's) can be severe and even fatal. I read that 85% of head injuries can be prevented by the use of helmets, and although I will never know if Kody would still be here with us if he was wearing a helmet that horrific day, I feel it is my responsibility to help prevent other children, parents, and guardians from suffering what Kody and our family have had to suffer!
With a Helmet Law (Kody's Law) in place, Nevadans will be able to say, "I/You have to wear a helmet, it's the law!"..."Break the law, and you just may break your head!" I believe this law should include: bicycles, rollerblades, scooters, skateboards, and any other activity where head injuries could occur!
Please help me to protect Nevadans Precious Heads by encouraging all Nevada Registered Voters to sign this petition! Please remember--being/becoming a Nevada Registered Voter is not only important for political reasons, but for reasons such as this. This is NOT a political movement, this is a safety awareness plea from a family who lost a beloved family member! So, if you are not a registered voter--please register to vote, then sign this petition to protect Nevadans from "losing their heads!" Please pass this message on, and encourage others to sign....
Thank you,
Lisa Renee Thomas
Gardnerville, NV