OPSEU Executive Board immediately call on NUPGE to resume work within the CLC.
Julius Arscott 0

OPSEU Executive Board immediately call on NUPGE to resume work within the CLC.

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Whereas the National Union of Public and General Employees' decision to withhold dues from the Canadian Labour Congress as a protest against union raiding will result in OPSEU being outside the House of Labour at all levels (CLC, OFL and local labour councils) starting in January 2011. Whereas neither OPSEU, nor NUPGE, nor the labour movement as a whole can afford fracture and disunity at the present time of severe economic crisis with employers and their governments waging a major offensive against working people; And whereas the cure for unions raiding other unions is greater union activism, advocacy and involvement of members in the work place and community, and not to treat union members like hostages or prisoners of organizations they may wish to leave; Therefore be it resolved that the OPSEU Executive Board immediately call on NUPGE to resume paying its full share of dues to the CLC and avoid at all costs a schism within the House of Labour in Canada.


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