Enough is Enough--no more rate increases for NSP
On Wednesday, May 9th, 2012 the news reported that Nova Scotia Power is asking for yet another rate increase for residential customers--only 4 months after a recent rate increase came into effect. The reason for this increase is to help offset a "revenue shortfall", and make up for the lost contributions of a paper mill which shut down--due to high energy costs. Apparently these increases--3% in 2013 and 3% in 2014--will "benefit families and business" by offering "predictable" rates. This comes after NSP's parent company, Emera, reported record profits in 2011. Electricity is a necessary resource--without it, we cannot cook, light or heat our homes, or even store food. Many Nova Scotians are struggling to pay increasingly high energy bills. Rate increases will benefit no one, except NSP shareholders and higher-ups. We, as Nova Scotians, demand that the Utility and Review Board reject this ludicrous request, and we ask that they go a step further--Nova Scotia Power should be subject to audit, and their past rate increases should be examined for fairness and necessity. We will no longer accept their corporate greed, and we will no longer accept complacency on the part of our government. Enough is enough!