Sam Hatahet 0

Removal of the unconstitutional NSEERS Law immediately

91 signers. Add your name now!
Sam Hatahet 0 Comments
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Dear Fellow Canadians, For over 50 years, Canadians and Americans have enjoyed the freedom of movement between their two countries. This win-win arrangement resulted in a better social, economic, and political relationship for Canada & U.S. Unfortunately the horrific acts of September 11 sabotaged that freedom. The US took hastily measures in introducing the National Security Entry Exit System (NSEERS). This subjects law abiding Canadian travelers to a special screening, entry & exit movement registration, and fingerprinting solely based on place of birth which is outrageous. Profiling all Arabs and all Asians reinforced a public perception that their communities as a whole were suspect and linked to the \"enemy\" in the U.S. war against terrorism. Security is vital to everyone, but to retort imprudently will only generate a negative impact in the heart of the world at large. Overuse of power by the U.S. is not the answer and will give rise to hatred. Every country has the right to protect itself and secure its borders. However, this must be done sensibly and justly. while protecting the civil liberties of foreign students, businesspeople, and visitors who wish to enter the U.S. legally. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was written for all Canadians to preserve Canada as a free, impartial, and democratic country. Although, the U.S. promised Canada not to blindly subject Canadians to this discriminatory law, they continue to do so at a higher rate. Approximately 30,000 Canadian Citizens have already been registered at various U.S. borders. This discriminatory policy resembles the chilling reasons why most of us fled our own repressive countries and sought freedom in Canada. Times of crisis are the true test of a democracy. It was not long ago when the U.S. government went too far by detaining Japanese, German, and Italian Americans based on their race, ethnicity, or national origin. The U.S. should not repeat these painful mistakes. We request this prejudicial law NSEERS, be removed immediately. We thank you for your time and support to a very serious matter. Sam, A Proud Canadian citizen for 30 years.


This letter and all your signatures will be sent to the following: Minister of Foreign Affairs Dep. of Foreign Affairs and Int
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