Rename "West Chandler Park" to "Nozomi Park"

In 2005 the City of Chandler selected the name "Nozomi Park" for a new park site to honor all Japanese Americans who were interned in Arizona during WWII. Nozomi is the Japanese word for "hope" and was inspired by the game of baseball that was played behind barbed wire in the camps. Ultimately the game gave an entire community a sense of hope and normalcy, making life bearable while being unjustly incarcerated by their own country. Unfortunately the City of Chandler has tabled plans for Nozomi Park because of the budget shortfall.
Instead of letting this good idea "die on the vine," the Arizona Baseball Community -- the official adopt-a-park sponsors of West Chandler Park -- is asking for your support to rename West Chandler Park to Nozomi Park. The goal is have these changes in place to re-dedicate the park in Feb 2012, the 70th anniversary of the start of Japanese American internment in Arizona.
Download the in-depth Nozomi Park proposal before signing the petition. And tell your friends. Sign below now.
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