NovaHealth Provider Petition

Provider Petition to NovaHealth Leadership Team:
We first want to express our commitment to providing excellent health care to the community. NovaHealth is known for our excellent medical care and our community service. The most recent months have required everyone to rise to the occasion, and we respectfully ask that our voices be heard. Although we will continue to forge ahead in these trying times, we want to express some deep concerns we have about the future of NovaHealth in relation to provider safety, safe medical practices and compensation. We have outlined key areas below that we feel need to be addressed both immediately and ongoing.
1. Satisfaction: We are losing providers at a high rate of attrition. There needs to be a strong effort to improve provider satisfaction. NovaHealth cannot operate without sufficient provider staffing, this needs to be addressed swiftly and aggressively.
2. Clinic Volume: The expectations for us to continue to see 6+ patients an hour is unsustainable. This pace is dangerous, increases medical error, and our personal medical licenses are at risk. Our request for now is that providers should be able to limit COVID testing and limit total patient visits to a maximum of 36 patients per provider per day, all provider discretion (keeping in mind this doesn't allow for lab review or patient call backs).
3. Compensation: Considering the extra stress and energy required to sustain the clinics, a per diem hourly increase for seeing > 30 patients should be retroactive from September 1st (see below).
In collaboration with NovaHealth Leadership, these are the 3 core issues we would like to address on October 6th.
1. Clinic volume - In general, limit patients per provider at 36 in a 12-hour shift (COVID volumes can be adjusted differently) and allow providers to limit check-ins during the final hour of the shift.
2. Production bonus - Per diem increase for 12-hour shift as follows: + $10.00 / hour increase for 31-40 patients - or + $15.00/ hour increase for 41-50 patients - or + $25.00/ hour increase for > 50 patients. Additionally, for hours spent reviewing labs and doing patient call backs, the hours may be added to the following clinic shift.
3. COVID volume and testing - Establish clear protocols and parameters for who may be tested prior to check in for patients - coordination with front and back office to screen patient to avoid excessive and wasteful testing; transparency for patients to avoid confusion. The volume of COVID patients should be clearly defined and regulated by the staff and throughout the company.
NovaHealth Provider Group