Unison Defending Jobs and Service in Nottingham

Nottingham City Council have announced that they will be making hundreds of staff redundant in an attempt to balance its budget. The council says it has to make these 'savings' and that the general public will not be affected. Annoucements made in the last few days will result in the closure of care homes, the cuting of opening hours for local services and the loss of front line workers, including social workers, care workers and youth workers. Nottingham City Unison opposes the redundancy plans and will fight to defend jobs and local services. We are asking you to join our campaign and; 1. Sign this petition and encourage others to do so. 2. Write to Nottingham City Councillors and Nottingham MP's protesting about the cuts in jobs and services. 3. Join the protest on the 9th March between 1pm-2pm at the Market Square in Nottingham We the undersigned are opposed to Nottingham City Councilâ