Nottingham Night Owls
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Hi everyone,
We are trying to set up a student run service called Nottingham Night Owls, for Nottingham Trent University and the University of Nottingham.
Nottingham Night Owls is a service for students' safety and wellbeing on nights out. The owls will assist in getting people home safely, providing students with information and helpful supplies, such as - water, first-aid, food, condoms and warmth.
Initially this will be on Wednesday and Friday nights, but eventually, as our volunteers increase, the Night Owls will be patrolling every night of the week.
All of our volunteers will be patrolling in mixed gender groups and will have a variety of training from risk assessment and self-defense to first aid.. There will be several measures in place to ensure the safety of the Night Owls. We hope to create a community for the Night Owls to feel supported before, during and after shifts.
Clubs and students will be able to ring Night Owls if a student is being kicked out of a bar or club, has been seen alone or in a vulnerable situation. Night Owls will then be able to come and assist, making sure the student gets home safely.
Nights out are a lot of fun, but getting home can make students very vulnerable, so we are really excited to get some Night Owls on to the streets to help keep people safe.
One thing we need to do to get funding from the SU's is to create a list of potential volunteers, so if you are interested in becoming a Night Owl, please add yourself to the Night Owl group or email us at nottinghamnightowls@outlook.com
Thank you for your support.