The People Oppose Rezoning 25acres of Commerical Property to Residential

The People banded together at the City of Clermont's City Council Meeting on June 25th, 2013 to oppose the intended rezoning of the 25acres of land on the north west section of 27 and hammock ridge from commercial to residential so that a developer could build a 300 unit apartment complex. In addition, they also wanted to install a traffic light merely a 1/4 mile from the 27 intersection on hammock ridge to allow their residents to cross the street into their private dog park. The People opposed this based on the reasoning that we need more commercial properties here in Clermont and not apartments, that many of us moved here to be away from the traffic and congestion that apartments bring, that a poorly managed apartment complex leads to higher crime and lower property values, and the negative impact this complex will have on the school bus routes (approx add $1.7 million to their budget which will come from OUR taxes). We were SUCCESSFUL in presenting our case and the City Council unanimously rejected the proposed rezoning. However, word has just come that the Developer intends on filing a law suit against the City to challenge their decision in court. If they are successful in convincing a judge that their plan should be considered a judge can overturn the will of the People. We need to act and get united to stop this development. We need commercial property here not more residential or congestion. Many of us left cities like Orlando or NYC to come here and live in peace away from the horrors that poorly managed developments bring. Who is willing to band together and act and sign a petition and help get signatures from neighboring communities to tell the judge the People Say NO!