Concerned Londoner London 0

Against Occupy LSE at St Pauls Cathedral

50 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Concerned Londoner London 0 Comments
50 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now



OccupyLsX are in the wrong area and are unfairly disrupting local City life.

**Occupy is intended as a US born angry protest movement apparently channeling anger at corporations and the government bank bail out ....sitting outside a Cathedral is not protesting or causing any concern to the very institutions which mismanaged their finances. Nor is it pressurising the government which sanctioned the public purse to be used for a publicly funded bail out. It is simply using beautiful Cathedral space which people love and enjoy and wrecking it's enjoyment for others. There is no right to block public highways or camp indefinitely in central London**
St Paul's relevance to the local community around it cannot be understated. People use the Cathedral as place for peaceful reflection during a lunch hour in their busy working lives. Local residents expect to enjoy the peace and tranquility which St Paul's offers in the heart of a busy city. People also come from all over to enjoy the beauty of Wren's masterpiece and in so doing support it financially on Ludgate Hill. They must have equal rights to full access and enjoyment of the Cathedral's beauty. 
It makes no sense that a residential area of such beauty and with an icon of the city is held hostage to selfish 'camp' protesting.
Those who work locally in the mixed business in the area should not need to feel concerned going to work, particularly should they simply be "wearing a suit" (as was tweeted by a supporter),  local residents and visitors should not find local life disrupted. However that is exactly what is happening and their voices are going unheard.
Occupy made clear it's intentions to be disruptive to local life with loud all night music and various tweets suggesting aggravation to those coming to work on Monday morning, who again had nothing to do with the bail out. 

**This part of the City has local residents and mixed and small local businesses which depend on the integrity of the Cathedral's beauty and tranquility and depend on people getting access to them**

We invite you to petition the Dean of the Cathedral, the owners of Paternoster Square and the City of London to consider local people's enjoyment of the Cathedral and grounds, their spiritual enjoyment of this Cathedral's grounds and the surrounding area of beauty as vital and equal for ALL -  to request the protest remains at most a standing protest *in the City* and preferably outside bailed out banks, Parliament or institutions directly involved in the crisis, as might be considered more appropriate.
We'd like to start with 50 online and have a seperate paper petition to be circulated for business and local residents.


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