NO to an extra class at Deansbrook Infant School
To: Robert McCulloch-Graham, Director of Children's Service, London Borough of Barnet We, parents at Deansbrook Infant and Junior Schools, are against a four form-entry intake at Deansbrook Infant instructed by the Local Education Authority to commence in September 2009. We believe that the use of the current ICT suite to accommodate a new Reception class is not in the best interest for our children. So drastic a change will have huge consequences to particular critical issues, ie. quality of teaching, health and safety of existing pupils. As the result, it will have tremendous effects to the welfare of our children at school. Above all, parents at Deanbsrook Infant are not being consulted whatsoever by the local authority concerning the matter. We sign for the condition of a three form entry intake at Deansbrook Infant School to remain the same.