Don't Raise Our Taxes - Don't Repeal the Tax Cuts

Don’t Raise Our Taxes – Stop the Repeal of the Tax Cuts!
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When the Tax Cuts of 2001 and 2003 expire in 2011 people across the country are going to see the federal government taking more and more of their hard earned money! When Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and the rest of the corrupt Washington politicians claim that these are just tax cuts expiring they are lying – the net effect will be to RAISE our taxes. THIS IS OUR MONEY and THEY HAVE NO RIGHT TO IT!!!!! Our taxes are going up, THAT IS A TAX INCREASE.
Please sign the petition below. If you'd like to read more about the impact of these tax increases you can do so - HERE.
Join us to demand that Congress doesn’t create a double-dip recession by raising taxes! We the undersigned demand that President Obama and Congress:
1. Keep tax rates at current levels
2. Keep tax rates so there is no “marriage penalty”
3. No cuts in deductions for adoption or dependent care
4. No return of the Death Tax.
5. Keep capital gains tax rate at 15%
Tea Party Express
American Grassroots Coalition
Western Representation PAC