BISD: School Reconfiguration is not a Budget Line Item!

Between 2012 and 2013, the Bainbridge Island School District convened a School Configuration Committee to analyze the District's facilities and projected needs in order to make a recommendation to the School Board regarding the best configuration of the schools. A primary purpose of the analysis was to ensure that the District's projected capital spending choices would be in line with projected district enrollment.
The Committee's work was paused in 2013 when there was a surprise influx of 118 more new students than the district had projected.
The Committee, which at the time it was put on hold was adamantly opposed to the District's proposal to close the Commodore school building, and to divide and relocate the various Options programs housed therein, was never reconvened.
Now, suddenly and with only weeks for public input, the District is attempting to rush forward the same option that was rejected by the Configuration Committee in order to address a projected deficit in the 2017-18 District Budget, thus circumventing the public process and longterm, district-wide planning required for such a significant reconfiguration decision.
THEREFORE, in light of the above stated facts, we the undersigned hereby request that the Bainbridge Island School District withdraw from its consideration any proposal to do a piecemeal reconfiguration of our schools as part of its 2017-18 budget planning, including its proposal to close Commodore and relocate multiple programs and schools for the following reasons:
1. Reconfiguration will have a significant impact on all the affected schools with virtually no opportunity for public process; and
2. Reconfiguration of our schools, which informs the significant capital spending the district is set to undertake, is not a budget line item but a longterm, district-wide planning process that requires a full analysis and full public process.
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