Edward Hollin 0


221 signers. Add your name now!
Edward Hollin 0 Comments
221 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
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A lot of us don't use steam, and when we go buy a game in a store, we are furious when we find out it requires it to install, and to play. We pay good money to play these games, only to be told we need to have INTERNET? I keep my gaming computer separate from my internet. Instead of being able of playing a game, I am forced to return it because of the fact that the big gaming companies ASSUME we all use steam and will get over the fact. Look, Steam may be popular, but I am against going out, paying $40-$50 for a game that I can't play. Bethesda, we supported your games for a long time - don't make us stop. Release a nonsteam version of Skyrim.

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