people have signed this petition. Add your name now!

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Whereas: 1. An application to build a 186,000 square foot Wal-Mart regional shopping center at 44th and Regal is currently being considered by the City of Spokane as proposed by Harlan Douglass, the owner of the property; and 2. Any such store of this magnitude catering to a region-wide market will have a profound detrimental effect on the surrounding residential community and its schools, including substantially increased traffic and decreased residential property values, and incur great harm to established businesses in south Spokane; and 3. Any plan by Wal-Mart to dramatically expand its impact on our region represents a major threat to the health and well-being of our entire city
A.S.T.P., or \"A-Stop\" for short, has been formed as a non-profit corporation. A.S.T.P. is a membership organization with the objective of analyzing, evaluating and responding to transportation and land use issues affecting the South Regal corridor in the city and county of Spokane (29th Avenue to 57th Avenue), and these issues\' influences and impacts on the southeast quadrant of the city (the Comstock, East Central, Latah, Lincoln Heights, Manito, Rockwood and SE Spokane neighborhoods), on the adjacent areas of Spokane Valley and Spokane County (the Central Park, Glenrose and Moran Prairie neighborhoods), and on the entire city, the entire county and the region as a whole. And;
www.NoSouthHillWalMart.com was established to promote awareness of the development process of the proposed store, to serve as a catalyst for coordinating action, and to provide an online resource center for those of the Spokane South Hill community and others who feel that the proposed Wal-Mart would threaten a diversity of local shopping, would negatively impact traffic and pedestrian safety, and is not compatible with the overall community plan slated for the South Hill area.