Rethink The Bridge Norwalk 0

Norwalk, Rethink The Bridge

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Rethink The Bridge Norwalk 0 Comments
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We are calling on Mayor Rilling and the City of Norwalk to request a 90-day stay and order an independent review of the new lift bridge planned to replace the Walk Bridge, specifically as it relates to the Federal Navigable Waterways designation of the Upper Harbor.

Is a $1 billion project including a massive, mechanically complex bridge the best option for Norwalk as a replacement for the current Walk Bridge? Is it necessary to build an industrial size behemoth to service the lightly trafficked upper harbor?

A fixed bridge would cost half to build (from $511 just for the bridge alone, require years less of disruption for Norwalk, cost a fraction to maintain, and safeguard our coastline.

1. Simpler and less costly design

2. Simpler and less costly construction (savings of $261 to $211 Million)

3. Reduced construction time (savings of approximately 2 years)

4. Increased structural resiliency

5. Elimination of maintenance, repair and replacement costs for the mechanical and electrical components needed for movable bridges. And, in this case, two parallel movable bridges.

6. Elimination of ongoing labor costs associated with the operation of movable bridges

7. Improved aesthetics. A truss bridge could be designed to maintain a look in keeping with the Walk Bridge’s historic character

8. Improved rail operational safety, efficiency and reliability

Shouldn’t Norwalk review these questions thoroughly before the start of a disruptive 5-year construction that will permanently deface our coastline and impact our fragile maritime ecosystem?

Protect Norwalk Harbor is a group of Norwalk residents who want the city to request a 90-day stay and order an independent review of the current replacement bridge.

The Walk Bridge replacement was selected under obsolete requirements of federal navigability that should be reviewed before irreparable damage is done to our local environment and economy.

It is not too late for Norwalk to do its due diligence. No comprehensive study was done to determine the applicability of the Federal Navigable Waterways designation to the future of the Upper Harbor. Yet, this criterion determined the need for the current lift bridge selection.

We are encouraged by Governor Lamont’s recent public statements questioning the appropriateness of the current lift bridge.

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