Northeast Uniform
Northeast Rebellion 0

Northeast Uniform

40 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Northeast Rebellion 0 Comments
40 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Hey, I am a regular student at Northeast, and the whole uniform policy is getting way to out of control. The whole thing with girls being required to start wearing ties just was the last straw for me. I’m making this page to start a petition to get rid of the uniforms. I know this isn’t going to happen over night, but I am going to try to set a deadline. I want to end these uniforms once and for all. If you would like to help, there is a few things that you and your friends and family can do… 1.) Like this page (: and invite all your friends. 2.) Wait for the date when the rebellion day is set. (I’m thinking before winter break.) 3.) On the day of the rebellion don’t come to school in uniform. WAIT! Let’s back this up here, if I come in without uniform, I’m getting in-house. Yes, they give detentions and in-house if you come in without uniform, but lets start to think logically now. There is over 3,000 students attending Northeast. The auditorium holds about 900 and the gyms hold about 800 total. So if about 2,000 of us come in without uniform, they will no longer have any place to lock us up in. As Saturday detentions go, they don’t have the money to pay teachers to come in and basically baby-sit the whole school. So thinking logically there is 3,000 of us against the principal, (we all know 90% of the teachers don’t care if you have a tie on or not, or if your shirt is tucked in or not.). So this is the biggest part, coming in the day everyone chooses to rebel. 4.) Along the lines of the rebellion, I need some people to be committed to helping the cause, that means the night before and morning of to start chain mails and texts reminding people to rebel. Word needs to get around. 5.) A paper petition will be written up, if you would like to be a sponsor and get signatures, it would be greatly appreciated. I am going to need at least 1 person per lunch period, and 1 person per SLC minimum. So if you or your friends would like to volunteer, please send me a personal message. I will give further instructions from there. 6.) Along with the paper petition, a digital petition will be made up. (website pending).

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