North Broadway UMC & Short North Church LGBTQ Statement

We, the people of North Broadway United Methodist Church and Short North Church, on the basis of our Biblical understanding, reject the recent rulings of the General Conference prohibiting clergy from performing same-sex marriage and prohibiting LGBTQ persons from serving as clergy. We recognize that the passage of this plan has harmed our LGTBQ family and as such, it has harmed us all.
We recognize that the recent votes are part of a long and painful history and we vow to continue to struggle against racism, sexism, and classism. We know that when people of color, women, and those experiencing economic insecurity are harmed, we are all harmed. The same is true when LGBTQ members of our church are harmed. We will not be silent, and we will not allow our privilege to cause us to turn a blind eye to the harm inflicted on our LGBTQ members, nor on our church as a whole.
Let it be known that we reaffirm that our doors are open to ALL of God’s children. We celebrate weddings for all prepared couples, regardless of sex. We support LGBTQ clergy and laity serving in all capacities as God has called them. Should the Traditionalist plan be upheld by the Judicial Council, we shall not comply. We will continue to be the loving, welcoming church for ALL that God has called us to be. We will not be moved.
***By "Electronically Signing" this statement, you give North Broadway UMC and Short North Church full permission to add your name to our statement poster that will be hung at both campuses.***