Pinky DeSola California 0

Norman Reedus for a Romantic Getaway

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This is a petition in order to help,Gazilina Bonez,one independent woman's only wish come true! With a moment of your time, you could help this amazing single mother achieve her dreams!

While in the midst of her modeling career in Hollywood, CA., Gazilina Bonez, found out she was pregnant. Within hours of the life changing news, she dropped her entire life, goals and dreams to journey back to her hometown, Knoxville Tennessee where she would raise her precious baby girl. Several months after delivery, Gazilina has fallen; suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Clinical Depression due to the failed reached goals, she hopes for her last dream to become reality.

Norman Reedus being an extreme figure in Gazilina's life, as friends, we have set up this petition for her final wish to be her reality. To get enough signatures to attract the attention of Norman Reedus to agree to take this lovely lady on a date!

Her admiration to him is astounding. Not only adoring him as an actor, but a respected fan of his artistic side. Appreciating his vision, nearly the same as hers! Finding the dedicated father he is the most attractive quality. For being quirky herself. such a refreshing fact that people with similar sense as her, do exist in the luxurious lifestyle where she once had much experience working. Realizing she's not alone in what makes her odd, an extraordinary feeling overwhelms her. For the two have abundant similarities: from their child like personality, to their complex thought speaking strategy.

In conclusion, we all love Gazilina: amazing mother, caring friend, loving person, kind at heart. As friends of Gazilina, we wish happiness upon her while hoping to at least witness one of her greatest dreams come to life.

So what are you still waiting for? Come on, sign this petition!
Let's bring to Norman Reedus's attention so he will agree to help a dream of this young single mother's to come true!

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