ask Verio to stop hosting pornographic sites!
We ask Verio, Inc., a subsidiary of NTT to change it\'s policy of allowing pornographic(\"adult\") websites to be hosted on it\'s servers. We are Verio resellers, current customers, employees, prospective customers, and past customers. The statistics show that pornography harms families by being a main factor in many cases of abuse and divorce. Those that become addicted to it usually have to go through therapy and counseling, similar to drug addicts. Statistics also show that there is an increase of violent crimes committed by pornography addicts. (see links to the side.) While it may hurt Verio\'s \"bottom line\" in the short term due to loss of revenue, we believe that in the near future it can only help Verio\'s bottom line! Verio\'s reputation would grow and it would receive much positive press and publicity if it were to make this decision! (example: think of the goodwill and good press that Yahoo received back in 2000() when it agreed to stop hosting pornographic websites). At some point in the near future, we will leave Verio if they do not change the policy. Some of us have already left Verio. If Verio decides to stop hosting pornographic websites, then we will consider coming back and will definitely spread a good word about Verio! This is our last attempt to ask Verio to change the policy for the good of families and society. We believe that corporations have a responsibility to see that their products and services do not harm families and society. Therefore we ask Verio management to please consider the good effects that this decision will have and let us know. Sincerely, (In the Comments area please specify whether you\'re a reseller or regular customer, employee, prospective customer or past customer.)