We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens of the world, who are not associating ourselves for the purpose of this petition with any country in particular, hereby declare that we do not recognise any longer the Neutral Status of Switzerland and that the said status no longer holds any validity. Switzerland has chosen to harbour politically aligned Genocidal organisations, namely GAVI and it’s core partners, the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the World Bank and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. GAVI and it’s core partners have reeked death upon the Human Population of the world, through the Fear Mongering, Coercion, Media Hype and threats to force upon the world an experimental mRNA drug that was passed off as a vaccine but was never a vaccine and was never tested properly on human beings as all other vaccines had in history. They used Covid-19 as a cover for this genocide and sold these vaccines as a cure making the public believe that once vaccinated they would be immune from Covid but this was far from the truth. Covid-19 has a 99.7% recovery rate and the true cure for Covid was Ivermectin but GAVI and its associated drug companies stood to make billions of dollars from the sale of untested drugs. Switzerland allows them a haven from prosecution while allowing these bodies to exist on their sovereign land because these organisations claimed that they were working for the best interests of Humanity. Virologists and other specialists from around the globe have spoken against these vaccines from the start but the organisations would not listen. Sign our petition to have Switzerland remove their neutral status!!