Petition Against Limits on Non EU Migration
We call upon the UK Government to abandon the discriminatory policy of restricting migration from Africa to the UK.
The consultation document itself recognises that migration has strengthened the UK's economy and enriched UK culture - and it is a known fact that majority of migrants are hard-working honest citizens who contribute to the economic growth of the United Kingdom.
Whichever service it is, it is obvious that the role of the migrants in developing the country is clear – with the following examples:
MPs: there are now 27 Members of Parliament from minority ethnic groups
Councillors: There are over 370 elected local councillors.
NHS - There are numerous General Practitioners, Nurses, Lab Technicians and Low skilled workers who all contribute to ensuring the massive success of the NHS as it is. If you remove this resource the NHS livewire will be removed.
Education: Numerous Teachers and support staff enhance the education of children in the UK The Policy is discriminatory on the basis that it only affects non-EU migration.
It therefore means the number of immigrants reduced from Non-EU Countries could be filled by EU Countries, which means the net reduction could be nil. We call on the UK to ensure that the quota system is fair across board to every country and not discriminated against Non-EU Countries.