Non Consent to 'Fracking' in the UK
Heather R 0

Non Consent to 'Fracking' in the UK

14 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Heather R 0 Comments
14 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

This petition is to say clearly to the Government and any other interested parties who wish to carry out ‘fracking’ in the UK that the people of the UK and in particular those who sign this petition DO NOT CONSENT to any fracking in the UK - or for that matter globally. The Government and those who believe that they can carry out 'fracking' by issuing licences' (via local councils) or by changing trespass laws, or any other method in order to force 'fracking' upon the population of the UK need to realise that CONSENT has not be given.

All the empirical evidence has clearly shown that ‘fracking’ is destructive to the environment, agriculture, the water table, and ultimately to all life, without exception, there is absolutely no benefit to be gained from 'fracking', the financial expense, operation costs and the waste and contamination to the land and water far outweigh any benefits in bringing up the gas.

It is about profits and not about supplying energy to the population, the corporations involved are making vast profits, every £1.00 worth of gas has cost £2.00 to extract, these corporations will walk away from the damage done to the infrastructure, and land/water during their transportation of heavy equipment and the process of drilling and pushing millions of gallons of fresh water mixed with 100's of chemicals down the well. It is a destructive scam.

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