Stop the selling of Pacu\'s
If you have been into the store, you have noticed our house pets Lola, Grover, Paco, and Ernie the Pacu\'s. Lola which has just turn 28 years old! We need your help in stopping the sell of Pacu\'s (Pachu [pa\'ku]) in other stores. These fish get way too large for any normal aquarist (fish lover) to keep in a normal tank. If you\'ve noticed, when you go into the chain stores the will not state how big they actually get. (Which for anyone\'s general information they get over 5 feet!) Take Wal-Mart for say, on their fish ID card (which we borrowed one) it says they get only 10\". Maybe 10\" around the fish! This is where we are having the problem, and we need your help to inform the farms that yes it makes you money, but where is it getting let go. In the past week we have had 6 different people from different areas come in and inform us that there are lakes around their house that have these fish in them. These fish are NOT native to Florida, and releasing them can get you into ALOT of trouble not only jail time but fees and headaches to go with. This is why we need your help to stop the farms from selling this \'Monster Fish\'. The more signatures we get the more they will listen.