Outlaw Fobby Parents

This is a formal petition requesting that all acts of fobitry by persons over the age of 35 be made illegal effective immediately. Acts of fobitry include (but are not limited to): 1.) Not allowing child to be out at night past 8pm and not providing a legitimate reason for not allowing said child to be out of the house. RELATIONSHIPS 2a)Being against Pre-marital hand holding with members of the opposite sex if child is over the age of 16. 2b)Being against pre-marital eye contact 2c) Being against intimate relations with persons that are not of the same relation, ethnicity, and/or nationality. 2d) Promoting a marriage between two persons that has been previously arranged by fobby parents 2e) Promoting a marriage between two persons that are more closely related than 6th cousins 2f) Most importantly, promoting extreme fundamentalist behavior such as the killing of a female on grounds that her significant other does not meet the expectations of her fobby parents, AKA Honor Killings 3) Being against spending money 4) Promoting over the top "bollywood" behavior including (but not limited to): getting drunk and crying if a significant other rejects you, and randomly breaking out into song and dance in inappropriate public locations By signing this petition you make your formal request to outlaw the above acts of fobness, such acts punishable by (but not limited to) the forced consumption of alcohol while viewing a baseball match or NASCAR race, in addition to this mandatory speech classes will strive to get rid of fobby accents by persons living within the continental United States for over a 10 year period.