Please help SAVE the ducks in Ocala*****

In 2009, Marion County FL got rid of some 200 muscovy ducks as a result of cleaning up area parks such as Tuscawilla park. It was said that these ducks pollute our waters and were becoming a nuisance by making a mess of picnic tables and walkways. Well it is two years later and the muscovy s are back. It is said to be roughly 110 this time and now they want to euthanize them again. There are other ways to clean up a park. You could create a job by hiring someone to come and powerwash said picnic tables and sidewalks instead of using $8,500 of our tax money to kill these poor ducks. I think that is is cruel and inhumane to kill any animal. I own ducks myself and they are very social and clean animals. They are my pets and my family. Muscovies are often misunderstood. They are very personable and intelligent animals. There hissing is often mistaken for aggressiveness but that is not the case, that is simply how they communicate. It is difficult to imagine that bird droppings could warrant enough anger in people to drive them to attack the responsible animals. Sadly, Muscovy ducks in Florida have been kicked, chased with brooms, deliberately hit with vehicles, beaten to death and shot. That is no way for any being to be treated! Under Florida Statue 828.12 they should be proctected but they are always loopholes...Muscovy ducks, like other domestic animals, are considered private property. If someone claims ownership, the birds are the owner s to do with as he or she pleases, so long as Florida Statute 828.12 regarding animal cruelty is not violated. Similarly, if the muscovies have no owner, no state or federal law prohibits their capture and humane euthanization. This can be a last resort to resolve a nuisance problem. If we don t help this is what will happen: The U.S. Department of Agriculture s Animal and Plan Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services (APHIS WS) will kill the ducks by feeding them Alpha-Chloralose, which depresses the birds central nervous system. Once the birds are sedated, the USDA collects them and puts the birds in a gas chamber and euthanize them. PLEASE sign this petition and pass it along. Call our parks and recreation department @ 352-671-8560 Contact assistant city manager of public services Catherine Cameron AND recreation and parks director Kathy Crile. CALL city council president Daniel Owen. He is very cruel. Here s a few lines from this gentleman. It s too bad ducks don t pay taxes, because I d tax the living hell out of em, and calling them feral, cancerous, and filthy. There is not much time. Ocala city council voted Tuesday night to euthanize more than 100 ducks that make their home in city parks. These ducks deserve a fighting chance...Please HELP! Call the office and/or sign this petition!