No More Invite Limits on VampireFreaks.com!

Before you turn up your nose to the idea because you dislike cult invites or you already have invites blocked, read the following! You can still help out heaps of fellow VF users. Limits on cult invites were indeed necessary to cut down on irritating invites (which were sometimes sent out multiple times to the same person), but they are no longer needed on the new and improved VampireFreaks today. Because of the following updates made to the cult invite process, limits serve no other purpose than to frustrate and restrict the staff of the hundreds of cults present on VF. - You may block invites completely OR choose not to see the "New Cult Invites" link and simply look through your invites at your liesure. - A single person can only be invited to a single cult once every 30 days. - A person will only receive this invite once every 30 days regardless of how many people send the invite; meaning even if 10 people invite you to the same cult, you will only see one invite for that cult once in 30 days. - You can even filter your invites by choosing or blocking certain cult invites by genre. So, if you never want to receive beauty cult invites, you can block them specifically. - Now invite limits are per cult. This means you can send out 200/1000 (free user/premium user) per cult, per day. WILL REMOVING THE LIMITS ON CULT INVITES INCREASE HOW MANY INVITES I GET NO. There would be absolutely no difference in the amount of invites you receive now. Since limits are not needed anymore, all they limit are cult owners and staff; not "spam." If you own a cult or are staff in one, you probably know how difficult it is to expand your forum because of these limits. If you want to see your (or favorite) cults grow, sign here! **** PLEASE NOTE **** This is simply a way to gather supportive signatures to convince Jet to consider the idea and see how many people approve of this update. When I think of a petition, I think of something negative for some reason, lol. This is meant to be positive, not to badger the VF administrators. **** SPECIAL NOTE TO JET **** You might also consider raising the invite limit for free users and give paying users unlimited invites as a way to encourage buying premium membership.