A Petition to the Legislature of California

there are several in our senior leadership who disagree about the publication and are upset that our initial draft has been published and set free among our population as if it were a formal and \"authorized\" document. The complaints run from not \"edited\" or \"authorized\" to \"too complex\" and \"too crusty legalese\" to \"not formal enough\" and not \"approved by an Attorney\". I have ben \"ordered\" to remove the petition form the Internet. Of course, I cannot comply even if I wished to do so, because the on-line petition is your independent project, I cannot usurp your authority and we are all Volunteers, doing as we please. We cooperate with each other for the same reason that our founders formed the initial Union of states: Strength and wisdom in numbers. Still, our top leader does not want to see the on-line petition at this time and in this form, and without his personal approval. It irks me to pass this information on to you for your disposition, but I have done so in good faith all around. Good luck, whatever you please to do. And, Shane, onward and upward for the restoration of our republic. I am proud to have you on our team. I am copying Fed Smart, National Coordinator and Ilona Blakely, Press Secretary for Aaron Russo and I will post an edited note to the Volunteers for their comments. the signatures gathered here will not be used ..instead I will keep emails of eexisting signatures and continue to gather signatures (if you wish to sign anyway) so that I can post or email everyone of NEW updated legal Text when available... Sorry... sign it now for updates only Thank You Shane