Save East End!

TO: The Governor, Premier and Cabinet of the Cayman Islands
WHEREAS the Government has publicly disclosed its intention to support the development of a Port Facility by a private investor on private land in the vicinity of an area known locally as Clarinda Beach/Half Moon Bay in the High Rock area in the constituency of East End;
AND WHEREAS the Government is currently negotiating with DECCO to build a Passenger Liner port facility in George Town which will include the upgrade of the current Cargo Facility and Mega Yacht berthing;
AND WHEREAS on October 26, 2010 private developer Joseph Imparato confirmed that he had "submitted a proposal to the Cayman Islands Government (CIG) for its due consideration” to build a modern, world-class seaport in the High Rock area of East End;
AND WHEREAS Mr. Imparato proposes the cutting of a 600ft wide channel through the shoreline which will continue for a ¼ mile into the interior where a 100 acre basin will be dug to a depth of 60ft below sea level to accommodate berthing of vessels;
AND WHEREAS Mr. Imparato’s proposal will require the closure of the scenic road along the High Rock coastline in the Clarinda Beach/Half Moon Bay area and the construction of an alternate road ¾ mile inland meaning that the coastline in this area will never be seen again by the residents and visitors to East End;
AND WHEREAS the construction of this massive project will irreversibly mar the unspoiled beauty and distinct natural charm and character of East End, including the loss of the many dive sites in this area in particular and the marine life in general;
AND WHEREAS East End lands have traditionally been one of the major producers of farm products and contain the largest and most important fresh water lens in Grand Cayman which farming is heavily dependent upon, and which the country was reliant upon in the aftermath of Hurricane Ivan;
AND WHEREAS there is a serious risk that the blasting required for this project will cause significant damage to the homes of the residents of East End in particular;
AND WHEREAS this project will cause significant disruption to the lives of the residents of the eastern districts and the people of East End in particular by the introduction of large scale heavy industry in a residential zone;
AND WHEREAS the Government has not explained the need for a new seaport in light of the planned redevelopment of the current facility in George Town and the substantial decline in the population of Grand Cayman since 2008;
AND WHEREAS no independent, comprehensive, environmental impact assessment has been conducted for any cumulative environmental effects that are likely to result from the project in combination with other projects or activities that will be carried out nor has the Government announced any plan for such a scientifically rigorous independent assessment
WE THE UNDERSIGNED PETITIONERS PRAY that the Government does not support this development because of the environmentally sensitive location, the lack of proven economic benefit to the country and the adverse impact such a massive development will have on the people of the eastern districts of Bodden Town, North Side and East End.
Image of the proposed East End Port facility.
The East End Seaport Website: http://www.eastendseaport.com
CNS Poll: http://www.caymannewsservice.com/2010/10/28/are-you-favour-east-end-seaport