No Compromise in Texas!
Jessica Hughes 0

No Compromise in Texas!

203 signers. Add your name now!
Jessica Hughes 0 Comments
203 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We the undersigned wish to make known our desire for Conservative representation in both the Speakership and Committees of the Texas State House. Under no circumstances will we accept as 'conservative' Joe Straus who has presided over the passage of more liberal legislation than the last Democratic Speaker. We do not want bi-partisanship. We do not want compromise. We want the clear mandate of Election Day to be reflected by the appointment of solid Constitutional Conservatives in positions of leadership throughout the House. We know you have to work together and we know you have to live with one another; please remember we have to live with your choices. Choose wisely, choose Constitutional Conservatives, or we will choose new representation in 2012.


The Founders Alliance

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