Countryway Community Against Cell Tower
To: The BOARD OF COUNTRYWAY We, the undersigned residents of Countryway, recognizing that, Whereas there is a continuing and growing need to promote community and improve facilities at Countryway; and that Whereas, the proposed Cell Tower, in a community space, is not in the best interest of the residents propose that the Board terminate its ongoing conversations related to leasing community space for the Cell Tower. This petition serves as a written document to express to the Board a responsibility to hear the voices of the residents and pursue a course of direction that is in the best interest of all. The following list of items are some (not all) of the objections raised related to the Cell Tower proposal: a. Health concerns, cancer studies, effect on residents nearing near the proposed tower with hearing aids, pace makers, etc. b. Aesthetics, c. Land use, proposed location has effect on recreational use of land d. Home values e. Crime rate f. Etc. We the undersigned hereby firmly resolve the following: That the Board should preserve use of the land for itâ