Declaration of Climate Independence--Stop the Scam--Stop IPCC

No Consensus—No Warming Declaration of Climate Independence We acknowledge that Earth’s climate is changing--as it has for hundreds, thousands, millions of years. Climate change is a natural phenomenon. We acknowledge that human activity (breathing) releases CO2. We acknowledge that human economic activity (heating our houses, generating electricity) releases CO2. We believe that the miniscule proportion of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere is unlikely to have any effect on the Earth’s short, or long-term climate. We further acknowledge that CO2 is required for plants to grow. And further that higher concentrations of CO2 make plants healthier. We do not believe that human activity has a discernible effect on the Earth’s climate. We believe that the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is an untested, untestable hypothesis that has been championed by an international clique of conspirators, with various motivations, fame and fortune foremost. We realize that human ingenuity has constantly raised both standards of living, and the amount of natural resources available for our use. Petroleum reserves go UP every year due to improved technology in exploration and extraction. We are beholden to no industry group. We are financed by no one. We are free citizens of the world, of all nationalities, races, religions. The recent exposure by a whistleblower of the deceptions and conspiracy among the members of the UN’s IPCC clique of AGW revealed the basis of the AGW “science” to be faked, making replication of experiments impossible. Data is “lost,” or selectively used, and computer code is impossible to untangle. We believe that the IPCC and the AGW clique have been poised to impose international economic controls, using the faked science, under the guise of stopping AGW. We believe that the economic controls, including taxes, restrictions on activities and energy sources, fees, regulations and other forms of political control, would devastate our economies and standard of living in the USA and Western Europe. We also believe that the political and economic controls planned by the AGW clique would be devastating to developing countries’ abilities to raise their standard of living. We therefore reject the AGW theory. We reject the false AGW science and false scientists. We reject the false scientists methods of brute force used to dominate the discussion of the AGW theory. We propose that all governments, local, national, and international immediately cease funding AGW studies. We further propose that our governments withdraw from the UN’s “Climate Change Conference” in Copenhagen. We propose that all planning to implement anti-AGW policies be immediately halted. We propose that all tax, regulation, and other forms of control intended to stop AGW be immediately halted. Instead of the UN’s Climate Change Conference, we suggest that the institutions, organizations, governments, schools, and universities whose personnel were involved in the false science behind the AGW scam immediately begin thorough and complete investigations of the individuals, groups, and institutions involved in propagating false science, and bring these investigations to proper due process proceedings as quickly as possible, providing full protection of the suspects’ rights. We propose that after timely investigations reveal the perpetrators and their crimes, that proper criminal and civil penalties be applied. Once the perpetrators are punished, we propose that scientific community begin to investigate, with real, peer-reviewed, open data, replicable studies the issues related to CO2 and the effect of human activity on the environment. With an optimistic view of the future, and the improvements in science, technology, the global economy, and human culture, we ask that you join us in our campaign to Stop AGW Scams and Stop the IPCC now. Kent Clizbe and others